Effective leadership is shifting from 'command and control' to 'include and inspire'

Join our Inclusive Leadership programme to future proof yourself and your team for success, by developing the clarity and confidence to lead in a new era.

70% Discount - Inclusive Leadership Starts With You

Sign up before 4th Nov to join our unique and impactful leadership programme to maximise your potential for impact. Just £389 + VAT, reduced from £1295 + VAT.

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Tone is Set From The Top

Inclusive Leadership Starts With You

Diversity and inclusion is not just a concern for HR. It is not about ticking boxes, but driving cultural change, which starts with your leadership. Diversity and inclusion is no longer a nice to have. It is a core lever for business success. Staff are demanding more. People care about working in an inclusive environment. Momentum is growing and those who don't start to lead inclusively will get left behind. People are your greatest asset, yet so many organisations have issues with attracting top talent, retaining employees, and creating an environment where everyone can thrive. You cannot leverage the business benefits of diversity and inclusion, such as improved performance, innovation, customer experience and wellbeing, without inclusive leadership. It's time to rethink how you lead your team and embed inclusion into everything you do, to drive better results for everyone.

For People Managers Who Care About Their People

You are ready to develop your mindset, skillset and toolset to drive inclusive action?

This programme is for you if you are at the beginning of your diversity and inclusion journey and you want to become a more inclusive leader who gets better results by building diverse teams where everyone thrives. You might be feeling unsure, uncomfortable or frustrated and you want to feel confident, informed and empowered. You are ready to challenge yourself to step up to lead a happy, high performing team. You may be concerned about the potential impact the lack of diversity and inclusion within your teams can have, such as blind spots, poor performance, staff attrition and loss of competitive advantage, but you are not sure what you can personally do about it. You don't want to get left behind as the industry shifts to embed diversity and inclusion as standard as a critical level for success.

Don't just take our word for it...

Our unique approach has received amazing feedback that makes us proud of what we do.

“I can honestly say that the Diversily Inclusive Leadership Programme has been life changing. I am walking away with new knowledge, skills, tools and most importantly the courage and confidence to embed inclusivity into my everyday working life. If you really want to drive change, participate in this training. You (and your team) won’t be disappointed. ”

Lucy Heavens, VP Marketing, Hokodo

“I had high expectations, but this workshop exceeded them.”

Judy Byrne, Senior Customer Engineer, SWIFT

“I found Diversily's workshops on Privilege and Perspective and Inclusive interactions to be really thought-provoking. The combination of peer conversations and useful, collaborative resources has given me a number of concrete examples and strategies to implement. I even have one of the outputs permanently open in the background on my laptop to refer to! Attending with the majority of my leadership team has also helped generate discussion and a shared language around diversity and inclusion.”

Mark Smith, CEO, Ada. National College for Digital Skills

“I really liked Marissa's approach and tone. There were some really interesting frameworks to help reflect and structure conversations. The more I learn, the more confident I feel to create change. The Change Canvas will help me to structure my ideas and planning.”

Lyndsay Davies, Boomsatsuma

“Eye-opening !! I think the Diversily leadership workshop should be mandatory for all staff, including the Exco and the lessons put into practice in all divisions. ”

Yann Escarmelle, Head of Small and Medium Business, UKI, SWIFT

“5 out of 5. Clear, well structured and thoughtful balance between insight and action. It encourages you to question yourself and then to structure action so that change is manageable and sustainable. Small thoughful actions, practiced regularly are surely the way to change the world. I really enjoyed it and it has given me things to think about and do. The Change Canvas is a super helpful model to get traction and action.”

Nicola Payne, Managing Director, Noisy Little Monkey Ltd

“This training is really inspiring. It helped us to better understand the complex topic of diversity and inclusion and provided practical tools that every leader should master to make SWIFT a better working place.”

Erica Toso, Account Manager, SWIFT

Watch This Inclusive Leadership Introduction Workshop Recording

Make sure our approach is right for you and learn about why diversity and inclusion matters, the power of mindset and your roadmap to become a more inclusive leader

Join Our Collaborative Movement For Change

People from hundreds of organisations have attended Diversily Leadership Workshops

UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres

Not sure if this programme is right for you?

Get in touch and we'll be happy to help you establish if it is a good fit or talk about any additional requirements you may have

Join Our Unique & Impactful Programme

Unlike traditional 'bias training’ we take a different approach. By helping leaders develop themselves and bring out the best in others, we help them drive team success and boost business performance. We cover topics such as:

  • Why inclusive leadership is becoming such a critical skill and how to developing your leadership mindset and personal action plan.

  • Developing your inclusive leadership skills and self awareness to become an advocate for change, a role model and an ally.

  • Traits & behaviours of inclusive leaders and how to take action to leverage diversity and create an inclusive culture of belonging where everyone can thrive.

  • How to embed inclusion into your everyday practices such as meetings and recruitment.

  • Developing a deeper understanding of: Authenticity – Vulnerability – Psychological Safety – Privilege – Perspective Taking – Empathy - Identity – Limiting Beliefs – Group Dynamics – Inclusive Interactions – Collective Intelligence

Delivering Value

What's Included?

Our open programme is a chance for people managers from different organisations to come together to develop their inclusive leadership mindset, skillset and toolset in order to get better results. 

Unlike unconscious bias training, which can leave people wondering what to do next, we provide practical tools, insights, accountability, guidance and clear actions participants can take to ensure everyone progresses on their own leadership journey.

We are committed to creating a transformation in each and every one of our programme participants. We will do this through: 

  • Interactive small group workshops to support targeted learning and to enable participants to share insights and experiences. 
  • Inspiration for deep self reflection.  
  • Targeted ideas, content and exercises between sessions to embed learning and inspire action.
  • Access to premium Diversily content and frameworks to inspire further insight and action.
  • Access to a private programme group chat to facilitate community spirit, networking and collaboration.
  • Accountability buddies to accelerate progress and help development long after the programme finishes. 

Session Dates

Wed 9th Nov. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 1: Let New Adventures Begin - Introductions, why DEI matters and Leadership 2.0 mindset.

Wed 16th Nov. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 2: Privilege & Perspective - Understanding the unearned invisible benefits that shape our experiences and the critical need for perspective taking to create better outomes for everyone. 

Wed 30th November. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 3: Inclusive Interactions - Building the foundations for high performance and running inclusive meetings.

Wed 14th December. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 4: The Power of Empathy - How to use empathy to become a better leader.

Wed 11th January. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 5: Inclusive Recruitment - The why, what and how of inclusive recruitment. 

Wed 25th January. 12.55pm - 15.00pm GMT

Session 6: Actions Change Things - Programme reflection and action planning for the future. 

We are here to help! 

We can also offer optional, additional 1:1 or group coaching or consultancy sessions. This can be hugely beneficial to help participants or the organisation more broadly apply learning and get expert, tailored support.  Once you have enrolled in the programme we can discuss your specific needs. 

The Diversily Inclusive Leadership Series

Learn more about inclusive leadership in this six part blog series.

Focused on the areas proven to make the biggest difference

So much more than traditional unconscious bias training

“I was really impressed with Diversily’s Inclusive Leadership course. It covered lots of important topics, and gave me a lot of good takeaways to make me a better leader. I would highly encourage anyone in a leadership position to sign up for their course.”

Tom Preston, Go To Market Manager, SWIFT

“Everything was just right - balance felt perfect, all material resonated, contributions from others with different backgrounds was insightful and thought-provoking -- most enjoyable training I remember, and I've attended a large number over the years!”

People Manager, SWIFT

“Very enlightening training which allows BOTH introspection AND LEARNING about inclusiveness. I am leaving with key concrete take aways to reflect on individually and with my team. This should really be a mandatory training for all managers!”

Alizé Adam, PM Chapter Lead, D&A Tribe, SWIFT

“I'm open-minded and would consider myself as an 'ally' to others, yet I still learned so much about how I can become a more inclusive leader.”

Helen Alexander, Senior Manager, SWIFT

“Thank you to you and your team for delivering such insightful and interesting sessions. The activities and discussions have really made people think and want to make some changes based on the learnings. Anusha did a superb job, she was very engaging which it tough to do virtually and to an audience of people who are always busy. The exercises were very helpful to raise awareness and there were certainly some quick and easy take aways.”

Niki Hunt, Global Head of HR, Outpost

“I strongly agree with the messages that were presented and I learned a lot about the good things I practice and areas I should be mindful of. I think more leaders should be aware of these messages.”

Jared Casey, Data Analytics Product Owner, SWIFT

“10 out of 10. Very clear! Very informative and relaxed”

Luke Sutton, Director, Crack Magazine

“The tools are very accessible and valued. Marissa presents. them very well. ”

Liz Harkman, Bristol Festivals

“The content is excellent as was the instructor and training; It is something that can help all of us become better in all facets of work…. life… and society… ”

Scott Jenkins, People Manager, SWIFT

Old styles of leadership such as command and control are no longer effective in today’s ever changing and increasingly diverse world.

Diversily is inspiring a new breed of Inclusive Leader who can lead us all to a better future.

We teach leaders how to have more impact and drive business performance by developing their 'inclusive intelligence'. This is an underused superpower that enables leaders to build empathy, lead authentically and get better results for everyone, not just people like them.


  • Will I get results?

    Yes. All programme participants who are committed to progressing on their diversity and inclusion journey and are willing to put the work in will emerge from the programme with the firm belief that they are a more capable, inclusive leader.

  • Do you offer discounts?

    Yes. We offer group discounts if multiple people from your organisation sign up. We also have a 'pay what you can' offer. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

  • Can I join from anywhere in the world?

    Yes. Our facilitators are based in the UK but we have had participants from all around the world. All programme sessions will run between 12pm-3pm BST/GMT. If you can make the time work for your timezone, you can participate.

  • Can we run a programme just for my organisation?

    Yes. Contact us to discuss your requirements. This approach might suit organisations that would like us to tailor the programme content to meet your specific needs or for large cohorts of leaders.

  • How is this different to other leadership or diversity and inclusion training?

    This programme is completely unique. We are not aware of any programme like it that focuses in on developing 'inclusive intelligence' to empower leaders in tech. Unlike unconscious bias training, which can leave people wondering what to do next, we provide practical tools, insights, accountability, guidance and clear actions you can take to ensure everyone progresses on their own leadership journey.

  • Can multiple people from my organisation sign up?

    Yes, we encourage it! The advantage of joining this open programme is to benefit from the diversity of participation, to hear a wider range of perspectives and to build your professional network. However you are more likely to be able to drive meaningful change within your organisation if all people managers participate. You can sign up individually online or contact us to discuss a group booking.

  • Will the sessions be recorded

    Yes. We will record the sessions. However we encourage all participants to attend live as the sessions are interactive experiences, not training seminars - so watching others will not be as impactful.

Meet The Team

Use our experience to help you become a better leader

Marissa Ellis

Diversily Founder & CEO

Marissa Ellis is a best selling author, strategist and speaker. She is a well-respected independent strategy and digital innovation consultant and the Founder and CEO of Diversily. She has 20 years of experience across industries including blue-chip giants like Reuters and Barclays and entrepreneurial start-ups like lastminute.com. She has extensive leadership experience including successfully leading teams to develop and launch multi-million pound products and leading complex, multi-million pound digital transformation programmes. Marissa is a thought leader in the field of organisational change and a passionate advocate for building inclusive cultures. She is the creator of a number of business frameworks that are gaining widespread adoption and driving positive change around the world.

Anusha Parshotam

Anusha is an accredited executive coach and leadership and development facilitator, who is commercial, pragmatic and highly focused. She works with Executive Teams, Leaders and Managers to create more inclusive workplaces. Her focus is on behaviour change and looking at how we create self awareness and conscious inclusion through the D&I lens. Her passion for D&I stems from her lived experiences and she shares powerful authentic stories. Anusha has over 15 years of experience working in Senior Human Resources roles, working across different sectors and geographies.

Lisa Faron

Lisa helps organisations and individuals focus on the fundamental personal changes required for the future of work. Lisa is a keen observer of people, with over 25 years experience in both the travel and technology sectors in large and small organisations. Lisa has worked on programmes to develop high performing teams which involved leadership coaching, diversity and inclusion awareness as well as a focus on communication and collaboration. Lisa is skilled in bringing diverse groups together and creating and holding a space where new ideas, concepts and collaborations can emerge. Lisa is also a qualified counsellor, working in loss and bereavement.

Inspirational Special Guests

Cressida and Jo will be sharing their insights on inclusive recruitment and the power of empathy as a leadership skill.

Jo Berry

Jo Berry is Global Leader, Speaker and Expert in Conflict Transformation and Empowering Positive Change. She founded ‘Building Bridges for Peace,’ a charity which is dedicated to promoting peace and conflict transformation around the world. Her father was killed in the 1984 IRA bombing in Brighton. She met with the man responsible, Patrick Magee which led to them speaking on over three-hundred occasions on a shared platform, to bring a message of understanding and peace. Jo advocates that unbounded empathy is the biggest weapon we have to end conflict. With political, religious, gender and racial divides deepening as global and local events unfold, her work offers a message of hope and encourages us all to see the humanity in others.

Cressida Stephenson

Cressida has over 25 years in the recruitment/search tech industry. She is a Director at EdenChase Associates, a disruptive talent discovery specialist who challenge their clients to rethink their approach to recruitment to put D&I at the heart of their talent discovery strategy. As a mother to 11 year old twins and living with a life changing permanent health condition, she is passionate about creating equity and parity for ALL by dismantling the outdated recruitment practices that the tech sector have been using for decades and adopting innovative and inclusive strategies that will uncover untapped candidate pools you didn’t even know existed.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are serious about becoming a better, more inclusive leader this programme is for you.

If you attend all sessions and complete all of the suggested follow up, you will emerge from this programme as a more capable, inclusive leader. If for what ever reason you don't feel this is the case, we’ll work with you until you do. We will create a transformation in each and every one of our participants and are committed to help you become a better version of yourself. You have nothing to lose and a huge amount to gain.